• The Botanical Garden Definition

    The Botanical Garden Definition

    According to Wikipedia The botanical Gardens are well maintained areas that include various features of plants labeled with their botanical names. It usually contains specialist plant collection from another place of the world. people know Botanical gardens as greenhouse but not always botanical garden is a green house you can also fine botanical garden as shade house. The Botanical gardens contain such as rare plants, awesome plants, herbal plants, cactus, exotic plants, and alpine plants.

    Botanical garden give services to visitor. The type of service contain: educational programs, art exhibition, theatrical performances, open-air musical, library and many types of entertainment.  Botanical gardens made by botanists to learn and preserve native plants or to compare plants from another place of the worlds. This type of gardens saves plants for the extinction, analyst what function of the plants and record the data.

    Botanical Garden at Atlanta this building open in 1989
    Botanical Garden at Atlanta this building open in 1989

    The Botanical Gardens History

    The histories of botanical gardens start from Italy in the mid 16 century. Pisa botanical garden considered as the first botanical gardens in the world. The next second and third botanical garden also starts in Italy known as Florence and Padua. Then in the next century botanical gardens spread over Europe country such as England, Germany, France and Netherlands. But if we review the botanical gardens old history its inspired by Hanging garden of Babylon.

    Short Gallery The Botanical Gardens in US

    This gallery contain photo from Atlanta, Brooklyn and Denver Botanical Gardens US. there are many interesting green spot to relaxing your eyes. 

    Atlanta The Botanical Gardens
    Atlanta The Botanical Gardens: Fish Cocktail

    Atlanta Botanical Gardens: Chihuly Art

    The Botanical Garden
    Brooklyn Botanical Gardens: The Fountain

    Brooklyn The Botanical Gardens
    Brooklyn The Botanical Gardens: Flowers and butterfly

    Brooklyn Botanical Garden: The green pole

    Denver The Botanical Gardens: outside gardens

    Denver Botanical Gardens
    Denver Botanical Gardens: Rain forest spot

    Botanical Gardens for Vacation

    If you have a free time in the weekend, try to visit botanical gardens and increase your knowledge about botany knowledge. In know a day there are many botanical gardens and I guest it’s already in your country. The famous one botanical garden in the United States is Atlanta botanical gardens, but there is more such as Chicago botanical gardens, Brooklyn botanical gardens and NY botanical gardens. it may need some money to visit botanical gardens but you will never regret to visit The Botanical Gardens

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